Picture : The Stunning Effects of Curtains in Photography
Photo Title : The Stunning Effects of Curtains in Photography
The Stunning Effects of Curtains in Photography
Light is everything in photography and being able to find the perfect rays to make a picture great may take all day, or all week! If the sun isn’t just working out for you directly, you can turn to diffusing the light some how. A window can provide a nice natural light setting. Curtains drawn across the window that allow light to come through may offer something even more stunning. The perfectly filtered light may be just what you’re looking for. Curtains can also play a part as a great background, foreground, or just by itself the subject of the photo. Most everyone has some sort of curtains laying around somewhere so they are easy to access and cheap to use. Whether you’re looking to frame a shot or get that perfect portrait, finding the right curtains might take you longer than finding the perfect light for your next photography session.Andrea by Andrea Rose
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